Time = Money?

Hello, world.

Tonight, I’d like to talk about economics. What are economics? What is a market?

I’m going to approach this as simply as possible..a market is an exchange of goods or services. Economics is the study of markets and how they work. A good is something solid like an apple or a computer. A service is anything from fixing a computer to picking apples to giving a massage.

How did we screw this concept up? Somewhere along the line, it seems things got a little too complicated. People looked into things far too deeply, and took a bunch of risks that were unnecessary. But, realistically, all the goods that existed before, and more, are still in circulation. People still have useful services to offer, and are somehow unemployed. Why is this? I have no idea.

However, I have a fair idea of how to get things moving. When I’m done explaining this, I’m going to give you all a simple suggestion. I hope you follow along, because I will bet the life of this site on it that I am following and that I will continue to follow my own advice on this.

First thing is first..we need to address the psychological problem at the basis of the crisis. People are worried. We have a bad case of the “what if”s. “What if X goes wrong when Y happens?”

CUT IT OUT. That’s not doing anyone any good. If fear stops you from moving along a good path, you’ve essentially lost one of the most important virtues ever; courage. Humans have been using it forever, and often enough, for some really good purposes. People have survived insurmountable odds by being courageous in the face of adversity. We’ve looked the truth in the eye, and matched it with an attitude towards self-improvement and social improvement. Look at the examples of many profound people from the past who have done this, be they political figures, scientific minds, or martial artists. Many people have found that the “one in a million odds” led them to be the one, helping lead a million. Never forget that.

Now, we need to address another important philosophical issues. Quite literally, philosophy has become a huffy topic for academic types to sip tea over. Philosophy is more than that. It is the very thing that defines our values and our actions coming from them. Everyone has a philosophy, whether or not they realize it. It is important to ask philosophical questions and pursue truth from them. The way it’s been kept it academia has turned the ripe fruit of knowledge into a fermented liquor with which many sober minds have found themselves drunk and lazy bodies. In ancient cultures, this kind of philosophical life would be unacceptable, at the very least. People ate, drank, slept, and LOVED by their ideas. They cherished them as any animal would cherish its life. A human’s reasoning faculty was something holy; to be celebrated and revered. Since we have lost this value of seeing something more than mundane in ourselves, life has started pushing towards a downward spiral. I cannot turn on my TV without seeing someone do something mortifying: sacrificing good minds and good bodies to terrible ideas. Has anyone really given a thought to what Jersey Shore really is, or why we’d watch “The Real Housewives” of Wherever?

Basically, if you’re not sweating, bleeding, and crying for your philosophy, you may be missing the point..but I digress.

This leads me to my conclusion about our economic reality..we aren’t trying hard enough. I can’t speak for everyone here, but I know hundreds of people who are not putting out one-hundred percent. I can even say that I am guilty of it, at times. No one’s perfect..but we can at least push ninety percent, and get ourselves on a track we’ve never dreamed of.

Next time you go to turn on the television, try turning on a documentary or the news. Share what you learn. Talk about all kinds of ideas with all kinds of people..you’ll be amazed at what you can learn.

Next time you’re bored, go DO something to help someone. A million organizations need volunteers. These opportunities can not only teach you something, but they can expand your capacity for compassion, they can give you exercise and make you healthier, they can introduce you to new friends, AND they look awesome on your resume!

Next time you’re staring in the fridge, watching food go bad, why not bring some downtown and give it to someone? There’s more than likely at least one homeless person in your town, if not hundreds, if you live in a city. Connect with organizations like Food Not Bombs and the local food banks..you can SAVE LIVES by getting rid of food you don’t want. Clear up some cabinet space and save a life? Can you do any better than that?

Next time you’re spending money on something frivolous, think about what you could do with your money if you save it. Starting small businesses increases everyone’s chances of employment, as you, too, can be the boss, and help people out of the hole. You can create a new product or service, or improve upon existing ones. This is the process by which markets help improve societies..and they help you survive and live comfortably. You can also donate some money to causes you care about; you can use it to adopt a pet if you love animals; you can use it as venture capital to make a loan to someone who wants to invent a product or open a business.

Next time you’re watching the news, and they tell you that the economy is hurting, ask what an economy is…it is people, exchanging goods and services. Put the band-aid on. Heal it. Be a doctor and a business person; be a philanthropist. This world is not out of solutions, and every time someone tells you that it might be, point out all the untapped services, goods, and MINDS that are around.

Tap into it. Be one in a million. Defy the odds, and give birth to new life.

Peace be with you.

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